Sunday, January 22, 2012

More Puerto Rico

Here are some more highlights from our trip to Puerto Rico, from my parent's camera.We spent a lot of time in the mission van and we filled every seat! Dad and Alisa are in the front.Sadie and Grammie out for early morning sea shell collecting.Ahoy mates! I have never seen so many hermit crabs! These were not like the one we once had for a pet. They were active and fun. Brycen gather a bunch up in his bucket and then let them go.This was Rowan's first time swimming and first time in the ocean. It was beautiful clear water. He must have swallowed some though, and it was not so beautiful that night when he was barfing. Poor kid! He was the most pleasant sick baby I've ever seen.Hiking in the rain forest. Not the best picture of me, but the only Sadie looks adorable...Brycen showing how tough he is. Sadie is all worn out.Here is the whole group. We missed Adam, Abbey, Daniel and Mike.

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