Happy Earth Day!
To celebrate Earth Day, we decided to reduce our energy consumption by converting all of our incandescent light bulbs to fluorescent ones. They were dirt cheap at Big Lots and so we stocked up and replaced lights all over our house. Just to give everyone an idea of how much energy we are saving - the fan above was outfitted with three 60 Watt incandescent bulbs before. The new fluorescent bulbs are just as bright - but are only 14 Watts a piece! So every time that we turn on those fan lights - instead of 180 Watts, we are only using 42 Watts.

Since we posted a picture of dirt earlier, we decided that we should show how our garden is turning out. We planted six different tomato plants, every color of bell pepper (red, yellow, and green), jalapenos, other peppers, squash, cucumbers, zucchini, and a bunch of herbs (cilantro, basil, parsley, and more). And we planted somewhere around 25 strawberry plants because we bought what we thought was a four-pack of plants at Costco - but it turned out to be four packs of 15 plants in each pack. We gave two packs away and planted as many of the rest as we could. Anyway, we are going to be eating some great garden fruits and vegetables.