February was a month of unpredictable weather and health, but we still managed to have lots of fun!
Rowan's first snow.
Sadie loves date night, especially when it involves movies, popcorn & friends.
Suzi got the cutest pictures of Sadie and Abby modeling their dress ups.
Rowan enjoys naps with his Daddy.
We got to go to a Wake Forest basketball game. Sadie's favorite part was the popcorn. I guess that was probably Mike's favorite part too, since he didn't enjoy watching Wake play poorly. He made us leave early, which was okay because Rowan wasn't feeling very well. 
Rowan and I were sick on Valentine's Day. We got to stay in our pajamas and relax. Sadie got to go to a playgroup party. We had fun making her valentines the day before. Since we were stuck at home with a virus, we got creative with our homemade valentines. Sadie loves cutting, gluing and is beginning to enjoy writing her letters. She got lots of practice writing her name.

We went to the grocery store for a preschool field trip. Sadie's favorite part was touching the lobster. Rowan's favorite part was his nap.
For their preschool Valentine's party, Sadie and her friends heart attacked their sunbeam teacher, Sister Noga, and made heart shaped pizzas.
Here is Sadie with her valentine. She may not say it, but anyone who sees how she acts around Carson knows it. He is a good sport :)